Thursday 4 March 2010

Sewing up Aladdin

The sewing machine made it out of the cupboard today. This is not a sign of major organisation but an emergency measure, as indicated by the fact that the sewing machine is balancing on a small stool next to the sofa.

This is one of those "there's nothing we wouldn't do for our kids" moments. As a costume is required for tomorrow (technically, the costume is optional but not in the mind of a 6 year old) all possible steps to produce one must be taken. So, major scavenge through my fabric to locate that particular blue remnant, bought months ago for I forget what, that should be perfect for an Aladdin jacket. Happily this was sitting next to an old sarong in matching blue and my ribbon box also supplied a close match. For the next step (Warning: do not try this at home), due to lack of a pattern, just fold fabric and cut to an approximate shape and then sew it all together.

My reward this afternoon was a delighted son who offered cuddles and kisses. And no sign of disappointment that I chose not to attempt a turban.

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